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Flowers for Grandma and Grandpa

  • Post category:News

Dissemination of the international project INCLUDL Schools: Promoting Inclusive Schools in Europe through Universal Design for Learning and Service-Learning.

On 21.12.2023 Katolicka Szkoła Podstawowa im. ks. Jana Twardowskiego in Zabrze disseminated the implemented project “Flowers for Grandma and Grandpa” in the city of Zabrze.

At the meeting, invited guests from educational institutions, the city hall, the School Superintendent’s Office, the Erasmus+ consultant, seniors and pupils, as well as the local community through the media, found out about the stages and effects of the interesting project being implemented, which combines multiple competences, learning through Service-Learning (S-L) methodology with UDL. The involvement of seniors from the Senior Activity Centre and students from the Katolicka Szkoła Podstawowa im. ks. Jana Twardowskiegois an example of the inclusive activities of a modern school.

Due to the nature of the project, dependent on the weather, the process of plant growth, the project was implemented from March to October 2023. The project began with preparation, acquiring knowledge and skills, then moved on to action, culminating in dissemination, a summary and celebration during which diplomas were awarded to project participants and thanks were given to all involved.

A musical and cultural setting, i.e. a theatrical performance by the group “Nic śmieszny”, raised the profile of the event.

The project has been funded by the European Union.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. [2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000024456]

All results developed under the INCLUDL SCHOOLS framework are available under Attribution/NonCommercial Attribution 4.0 International.