Dissemination of the international project INCLUDL Schools: Promoting Inclusive Schools in Europe through Universal Design for Learning and Service-Learning.

On 24-26.01.2024 the Primary School (Katolicka Szkoła Podstawowa im. ks. Jana Twardowskiego) in Zabrze hosted 27 participants of the international INCLUDL Schools project. Since 2021, the Zabrze school has been implementing a project aimed at promoting inclusive schools in Europe. “INCLUDL Schools: Promoting Inclusive Schools in Europe through Universal Design for Learning and Service-Learning”. Together with foreign partners, schools from Turkey, Latvia, Spain, an IT company from Greece, the University of Madrid and the Confederacion Espanola de Personas con Discapacidad Fisica y Organica, we are learning new ways of working with students with special educational needs and implementing them in school life.

During an intensive three-day workshop, schools presented their Service -Learning projects, learnt about evaluation methods and began work on writing a guide for other European schools. We would like to thank the seniors, the management and staff of the Senior Activity Centre for their cooperation on the intergenerational project and for hosting us on their premises.

The project is co-financed by the European Union.