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Preparation for the project

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Preparations for the Service Learning project “Flowers for grandmother and grandfather”.

The pupils of the Katolicka Szkoła Podstawowa w Zabrzu are preparing for an important day – the next meeting with senior citizens, which will take place on 06.06.2023. In line with our teaching programme, the pupils are involved in project work and are doing a lot of activities.
The project is an example of Service-Learning, a form of teaching and learning that combines social engagement of learners with learning related to various subjects. Learners then take action for the common good in a variety of spheres: social, political, environmental or cultural. UDL strategies were used during the project group’s work, based on 3 principles:

Provide Multiple Means of Engagement (The “why” of learning).

Provide Multiple Means of Representation (The “what” of learning).

Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression (The “how” of learning).

The practical application of UDL in the project as follows:

· children can learn about the growth of flowers by looking, touching, smelling them

· students build on their previous knowledge during the observations and complement it with newly acquired information

· students prepare the beds, paint the boards, dig the holes, prepare the soil, water, plant the plants

· use gardening tools, rake, shovel, watering can

· students record and chart the progress of the plants in their diary

· students represent and communicate what they observe in words, drawings, pictures

· students set goals during their participation

· plan actions or activities and organize their resources and tools

· monitor their progress

· retain information

· learn how to take notes and keep their notes in folders

· can act independently or use topic-related charts, diagrams and models

· students are encouraged to explore flowers in natural environment

· encourage the reaserch of flowers they want to plant

· students learn to collaborate with others in group project

· learn to manage the frustrations that come from the obstacles and disappointments in the long project

· learn to manage the anxiety that comes with engaging in anything new

· project prepares students for their future in which monitoring their own behavior is key aspect of successful self-regulation

Preparation for the project 1
Preparation for the project 2
Preparation for the project 3

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. [2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000024456]

All results developed under the INCLUDL SCHOOLS framework are available under Attribution/NonCommercial Attribution 4.0 International.