TPM in Anamur 20-21/9

We Hosted the 3rd TPM - Management Meeting of the Includl Schools Erasmus Project
The management meeting of our Erasmus KA220 SCH 'INCLUDL SCHOOLS' project, conducted in partnership with Anamur District National Education Directorate, Vakıfbank Atatürk Secondary School, UAM University, and partners from Greece, Poland, and Latvia under the coordination of Spain, was held in Anamur on September 20-21, 2023. In our project, which focuses on how to achieve a more inclusive education, detailed discussions were held on UDL (Universal Design Based Teaching) education, Service Learning APP and Toolbox, which will remove the obstacles to education and to our intellectual outputs.An evaluation of the activities conducted so far, the content, quality, and dates of upcoming mobilities and multiplier events have been determined. Okan Gültekin, the English teacher at our partner school Vakıfbank Atatürk Secondary School, demonstrated sample applications of integrating digital education into lessons. Nasibe Deniz Güney, the English teacher at our pilot school Köprübaşı Secondary School, shared an application related to Regional Culture and Tourism for Service Learning. The meeting was concluded with official visits and cultural activities.