Ενημερωτικές συναντήσεις
Ως Περιφερειακή Διεύθυνση Εθνικής Εκπαίδευσης Anamur και Γυμνάσιο Vakıfbanka Ataturka, πραγματοποιήσαμε μια ενημερωτική συνάντηση με τους δασκάλους μας που θα συμμετάσχουν στο έργο στο πλαίσιο του έργου. που υπάγεται στην…
Ως Περιφερειακή Διεύθυνση Εθνικής Εκπαίδευσης Anamur και Γυμνάσιο Vakıfbanka Ataturka, πραγματοποιήσαμε μια ενημερωτική συνάντηση με τους δασκάλους μας που θα συμμετάσχουν στο έργο στο πλαίσιο του έργου. που υπάγεται στην…
Anamur District Directorate of National Education (DDNE) is the official representative of the Ministry of National Education in the district of Anamur and is the first-hand executive of the duties and responsibilities of the Ministry. Anamur DDNE is responsible for planning, executing, developing and supervising practices by evaluating all educational activities in the district.
There are 1 District Director of National Education, 5 Branch Managers, 6 Chiefs, 11 Data Preparation Control Operators, 6 Officers, 3 Servants and 1 Driver in our Directorate.
There are total 63 institutions affiliated to our District Directorate of National Education. There are 1 Public Education Center, 1 Guidance Research Center, 3 Private Rehabilitation Centers, 1 Teachers’ Center ASO Directorate, 1 Vocational Education Center, 6 VET high schools, 1 Science Art Center, 1 Independent Kindergarten, 20 primary schools, 19 Secondary schools, 9 High Schools.
A total of 877 personnel, including 63 school principal, 63 asistant principal and 751 teachers, are employed in schools and institutions affiliated to our Directorate. There are 12509 students in total in schools affiliated to our District Directorate of National Education.
You can find our website and social media accounts below:
Twitter: @AnamurMem
Intagram: anamurilcemilliegitimmudurlugu
Facebook: @anamurilcemem
YouTube: Anamur Mem
The Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) is a public university that combines quality teaching, intensive research and high job placement with a firm social commitment, being a benchmark in these areas, according to various global indicators. In the QS World University Rankings 2021, UAM ranks for the second consecutive year among the top 200 universities in the world. It is the second best university in Spain, the first in Madrid, and is among the 100 most prestigious universities in Europe.
The strategic alliance between both institutions has made it possible to create a privileged environment for research, teaching and innovation, which since 2009 has been accredited as the Campus of International Excellence UAM – CSIC , one of the world leaders in Nanoscience, Advanced Materials and Life Sciences. The Madrid Science Park also participates in the project; the Madrid Institutes for Advanced Research (IMDEAs) of Nanoscience, Food and Social Sciences; the Community of Madrid; the City Councils of Madrid, Alcobendas, Colmenar Viejo, Miraflores de la Sierra, San Sebastián de los Reyes and Tres Cantos, as well as numerous companies, turning the Campus of International Excellence UAM+CSIC into an important engine of economic and social development.
UAM has the following Faculties/Schools: Science, Economics and Business Studies, Law, Art and Philosophy, Medicine, Psychology, Teachers´ Training and Education, an Engineering School for Computer Science and several affiliated centres, offering a wide range of studies in humanities and scientific and technical fields. Currently it has about 30,000 students (undergraduate 23000; master 3000 and Ph degree students 4000), about 3,200 professors and researchers and nearly 1,100 administrative staff. UAM has a distinguished reputation in research: in 2009 it was awarded the recognition of “Campus of International Excellence UAM+CSIC”, a joint project with the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The support and development of high quality research have been among its objectives, and it has been rewarded with international recognition. These achievements have been attained thanks to its highly-valued research teams and research institutes. The Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) boasts a large experience in the management of international mobility, educational and research programs in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme, the VII Framework Programme for Research, and EuropeAid. Furthermore, the UAM is one of the universities integrated in Civis, a European Civic University, ( https://civis.eu/es) one of the first pan-European campuses promoted by the European Commission.
Our purpose: to achieve an inclusive society that guarantees the full exercise of the rights of people with physical and organic disabilities.
COCEMFE’s Mission is to achieve the full inclusion and active participation of people with physical and organic disabilities in all areas of society, through the promotion, defense and claim of the exercise of their rights, as well as coordination, representation and promotion of its Associative Movement, thus contributing to the construction of an inclusive and diverse society.
A representative organisation that is socially recognised for its values and its leadership in the exercise of people’s rights and in social change, generating a positive impact for society.
Principles and Values:
The values of COCEMFE that inspire the Mission, Vision and the Strategic Plan 2019-2023 of the organization are the following:
Vakifbank Ataturk Secondary School founded in 1895 is a public school in Anamur, a town in the south part of Turkey. The school is named after Ataturk, the founder of Turkish Republic.
There are 63 teachers, 870 students, 1 principle, 3 vice-principles and 6 supporting staff in our school. Our school has 31 classrooms, 2 kindergarten classrooms, 1 science lab, 1 ICT lab, 1 library and 1 classroom for students with special needs.
We have students aged from 10 to 14. Our school, a member of Unesco ASPnet, is actively involved in national and local activities and tournaments. We are also highly experienced in eTwinning and Erasmus Project activities. We have successfully completed a great number of Erasmus and eTwinning projects so far and still carrying out projects in these areas.
As Vakifbank Ataturk Secondary School, our mission is to raise individuals who think scientifically, have high self-confidence and self-esteem, respect human rights, are well aware of social, environmental and universal problems, find solutions to these problems, are respectful and honest, have advanced intellectual aspects, and use Turkish and at least one foreign language effectively in their lives.
Website: https://vb-ataturkortaokulu.meb.k12.tr/
Telephone: +90 324 814 1090
1895 yılında kurulan Vakıfbank Atatürk Ortaokulu, Türkiye’nin güneyinde yer alan Anamur ilçesinde bir devlet okuludur. Okul adını Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusu Atatürk’ten almıştır.
Okulumuzda 63 öğretmen, 870 öğrenci, 1 müdür, 3 müdür yardımcısı ve 6 yardımcı personel bulunmaktadır. Okulumuzda 31 derslik, 2 anasınıfı, 1 fen laboratuvarı, 1 BT laboratuvarı, 1 kütüphane ve özel gereksinimli öğrenciler için 1 derslik bulunmaktadır.
Öğrencilerimiz 10-14 yaşları arasındadır. Unesco ASPnet üyesi olan okulumuz, ulusal ve yerel etkinliklerde ve turnuvalarda aktif olarak yer almaktadır. eTwinning ve Erasmus Projeleri faaliyetlerinde de oldukça deneyimli bir okuluz. Bugüne kadar çok sayıda Erasmus ve eTwinning projesini başarıyla tamamladık ve halen bu alanlarda projeler yürütüyoruz.
Vakıfbank Atatürk Ortaokulu olarak misyonumuz, bilimsel düşünen, özgüveni ve özsaygısı yüksek, insan haklarına saygılı, toplumsal, çevresel ve evrensel sorunları iyi bilen, bu sorunlara çözüm bulan, saygılı ve dürüst, entelektüel yönü gelişmiş, hayatında Türkçe ve en az bir yabancı dili etkin bir şekilde kullanan bireyler yetiştirmektir.
Telefon: +90 324 814 1090
Innovation Frontiers IKE is an innovative educational technology & research company that specializes in creating educational, engaging, and entertaining learning experiences that incorporate innovation, creativity, and gamification to enhance flow for learners. Our company offers a wide spectrum of solutions, including interactive custom eLearning, Serious Games, Open Educational Resources, Training Simulations, Educational Animations and Mobile Learning. We combine game design, game technology, instructional design and psychology to master the art of crafting learning games, simulations and training. All developments are tailored precisely to our clients’ individual needs. What is more the company integrates the implications of educational neuroscience in classroom so as to improve the efficiency of learning and teaching.
As an innovative eLearning production company, we bring the transformative force of Artificial Intelligence to eLearning development and implementation. Virtually anyone in your company or organization can benefit from AI-powered eLearning. AI is capable to improve the learning process resulting in higher knowledge transfer, decreased costs, greater transparency of the eLearning outcomes, data-informed program implementation, and, last but not least, the capability to provide deeply engaging personal learning experiences for the learners at all levels of your organization.
To us, learning is never a one-size-fits-all approach, and therefore, any learning solution we produce is tailored to each organization’s goals and needs. Our clients often know what their learners need to know, but they may not know the best way to get there.
Moreover, Innovation Frontiers IKE develops, implements and coordinates european educational projects related to virtual and augmented reality; robotics; online school tutoring; production of digital educational resources; development of multiplatform educational games; management and optimization of educational platforms; education for the media and integration of ICT in classrooms to enhance the learning process.
We are a medium-sized private school with thirty years of experience in working with children and young people.
At our school 62 pupils, i.e. 25% of the school population, are receiving psychological-educational suport, they participate fully in the educational sphere of the school. The pupils at our school have the following dysfunctions: dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthography, dyscalculia, sensory integration disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, Mutism, CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder), ADHD. There are 7 teachers qualified to provide remedial education and there is no support teacher assigned to one pupil only. The school offers specialised classes such as: learning to learn classes, corrective-compensatory classes, classes developing emotional and social competences, counselling, consultations, therapeutic classes: EEG Biofeedback and Tomatis therapy classes, didactic-compensatory classes, classes developing talents, remedial classes.
There are therapy rooms in the school: Biofeedback room, pedagogue/psychologist office.
All children with special needs are equal members of the class and participate in all activities offered to other pupils. In addition they are assisted by a support teacher when necessary.
Kuldiga secondary school No 2 is the oldest school in Kuldiga district with about 500 students. The school is in a transition period. After more than 50 years of operating as a secondary school, it is going to be an elementary school starting with the next school year, teaching students aged 5 – 16. The school staff consists of about 55 teachers and 27 technical workers. Historically our school is the school for students from rural territories. Traditionally 1/3 of our pupils are from the countryside. This group of people is more vulnerable, with special needs and learning problems. We have rich experience in inclusive education. This school year (2021 /2022) we have 146 students with learning difficulties. We have also students with mild mental retardation. Our latest challenge is a blind boy in year 1 and students from Ukraine. Concerning inclusion the school has received high evaluation from local people as well as municipality. Our school has been recognized one of the best inclusion practice on the National level. We have developed successful cooperation with special education institutions in Latvia, municipality and mass media.
The school is famous for its activities connected with sustainable development and environmental education. It has received the International certificate of ECO schools. Students and teachers of our school have carried out international projects in Comenius and Nordplus programs, as well as e-Twinning projects “Simple Video Tense” and “The World of Mushrooms”. Students and teachers have also taken part in exchange project with Lithuania, Poland and Belorussia. The school has good cooperation with Spakkskola Upsala (Sweden) in exchanging professional experience.