Read more about the article INCLUDL School Multiplier Event in Spain
25/06/2024 El proyecto INCLUDL Schools finaliza tras contribuir a fomentar una Europa inclusiva para todo el alumnado. La Confederación Española de Personas con Discapacidad Física y Orgánica (COCEMFE) ha celebrado este martes en Madrid el cierre y presentación de resultados del proyecto 'Promoting inclusive schools in Europe through Universal Design for Learning and Service-Learning' (INCLUDL-Schools), durante la jornada 'Evento Multiplicador INCLUDL Schools'. POLITICA COCEMFE

INCLUDL School Multiplier Event in Spain

The INCLUDL School Multiplier Event was coordinated by COCEMFE and was held in Madrid on 25 June 2024.It aimed to disseminate the results of the INCLUDL Schools project; Guide of…

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